Ecuador (literally meaning equator) is bordered by Colombia to the north and Peru to the south. Many travelers say that if you only have a limited amount of time to spend in South America, you should just skip over Ecuador – I strongly disagree. A few weeks ago I flew into Quito, Ecuador’s capital, which was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in the 70’s for having ‘the best-preserved, least altered historic centre in Latin America’. After exploring the charming streets of the historic city, I spent two weeks traveling to three very different regions of the beautiful country – one of which is the amazon in the northeast of the country. I had always dreamt of going deep into the amazon but when I pictured the Amazon, I envisioned being in Brazil, not Ecuador. Nonetheless, when the opportunity to live out one of my dreams came knocking, I answered.

At first I spent days trying to organize a cheap way to see the landmark Galapagos Islands but in the end that trip was well out of my budget – maybe I’ll do it in the near future. Fortunately, I discovered that not only the Galapagos but Ecuador as a whole is one of the world’s 17 megadiverse countries with the likes of India, Brazil, Mexico, and the Philippines. These megadiverse nations house most of the earth’s species within their borders and are therefore considered extremely biodiverse. The video below is from my 4-day trip to the Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve, an amazonian national park in the Sucumbios region. If you are planning a trip to Ecuador, I highly recommend planning an excursion into the amazon, you won’t regret it.

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